
新展 | 董大为:“背面” 即将开幕













董大为1981年出生于中国大连,2004年毕业于鲁迅美术学院,2011年毕业于法国布尔日国立高等艺术学院。主要个展包括:2018 “现成写作”,飞地书局艺术空间,深圳,中国;2018 “背面”,香港巴塞尔艺术展亚洲视野单元,香港,中国;2017 “可见之光”,亚洲当代艺术空间,台北,台湾;2017 “尘归尘”,HDM 画廊,北京,中国;2016“普通读者”,杨画廊,北京,中国;2015 “云的理论”,空间站画廊,北京,中国;2015 “奇点”,贝浩登画廊,香港,中国等。

怡乐园春天 Process 1-4-1


65 X 50cm


怡乐园春天 Process 1-4-4


65 X 50cm


Dong Dawei :Backside

Opening:3-6pm, September 7th, 2019 (Saturday)

Exhibition Dates:September 7th to October 19th 2019


Ginkgo Space is delighted to announce Dong Dawei’s solo exhibition, “Backside” from September 7 to October 19, 2019. This show marks the artist’s first collaboration with Ginkgo Space, presents the artist’s series of work using color markers. 


DongDawei’s ongoing series of works on paper that uses color markers has become a visual icon of the artist’s practice. At the same time, these works are also being interpreted on a superficial level. This exhibition “Backside” aims to reveal the practice and concepts behind the surface of these works. 


“Backside”has two layers of meanings: the literal and metaphorical. The literal refers to the paper and the back of the painting. Dong Dawei’s works on paper often starts with one side of the paper and allows the ink of the markers to permeate to the back, which is what we perceive as the final work of art; the metaphorical, is similar to what we refer to as the back stage. Dong Dawei’s practice embodies the compositional aspects on the surface, as well as the procedural and conceptual aspects behind the surface, while the back is metaphorical for the notions behind these works.


DongDawei’s paintings are not necessarily done solely relying on subjectivity and sensibility but follow certain objective logic to grow within the set limitations. For Dong Dawei, paying respect to the objective is the basis of exchange between the work of art and the viewer. This exhibition will not onlyinclude the artist’s recent works, but also drawings, video documentation of his creative process, even some failed attempts, to reveal the “Backside” of Dong Dawei’s artistic practice.


Dong Dawei, born in Dalian, 1981, graduated from the Lu Xun Academy of Art in 2004. In 2011, he obtaining DNSEP with congratulations by the jury in ENSA-Bourges (Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’art de Bourges), France. His main solo exhibitions include, Ready Wrote, Enclave Art Center,Shenzhen, China (2018); Backside, Insight Asia, Art Basel Hong Kong,Hong Kong, China (2018); Visible Light, A+ Contemporary, Taibei, Taiwan (2017); Dust to Dust, HDM Gallery, Beijing, China (2017);The CommonReader, Gallery Yang,Beijing, China (2016); The Theory Of Clouds, SpaceStation Gallery, Beijing, China (2015); A Singular Point, Gallery Perrotin, Hong Kong, China(2015), and etc.


怡乐园春天 Tetris x2


80 X 60cm



Founded in 2014 Beijing, as an art gallery whose vision focuses on the ecosystem of Asia contemporary art, Ginkgo Space's mission is to provide active support to artists’ processes of developing and gaining greater perspectives on their artistic practices. With our collaboration, we hope to build the artist’s reputation and widen their international recognition. Our exhibition program is aimed at exploring and discovering the artistic practices that define our cultural identity, through which we are committed to setting up platforms for profound dialogues between the artists, critics, curators, and audiences of contemporary art.



For more information,  please contact us:

 +86 10 5762 6135



Instagram: ginkgospace

开放时间  11:00-18:00 周二至周六(Tues-Sat)

北京市朝阳区酒仙桥路4号院 798艺术区65幢

Address  #65, 798 Art District, No.4 Jiuxianqiao Rd., Chaoyang Dst., 100015, Beijing, China

